The Full Story

My path to become a coach began when I worked as an HR leader in both a small start up and a larger tech company.  It was during these ten years in HR that I discovered that I love helping people.  The best parts of my day were when I worked with people 1:1 to feel more empowered in their current roles, navigate transitions and situations, and create paths forward in an effort to reach their professional dreams.  I felt most engaged when I was making an impact on the micro level, one employee at a time.  

After having our first child, I was able to live out one of my own childhood dreams and be a stay at home mom.  As a full time mom, I experienced all the highs that come with having kids, and it was incredibly fulfilling to see my kids grow into their own unique selves.  In addition to the highs, I felt many lows.  I felt burned out from managing everything around the house, being a shuttle driver, organizing several geographic moves (including one international), and trying to stay strong, calm, and level headed as my kids pushed boundary after boundary.  In addition, both of my children had significant speech delays through early elementary school.  I felt a tremendous amount of responsibility to find them the best services and advocate for their needs, all while feeling guilty it was my fault and being so worried they would never ever catch up verbally. 

While I was living my dream as a full time mom, I started noticing that something was missing.  In putting so much of my time and effort towards the kids and the family, I had lost a sense of who I was, who I wanted to be, and what I wanted to offer to the world.  While I was outwardly showcasing mastery with my role, and that things were "great," I was struggling on the inside and felt stuck.  I knew that I wanted something different for my life, but wasn't sure what that was and how to get there.  I started working with a coach both in 1:1 and group sessions, and was able to tap back into my purpose, my natural gifts and skills, and my calling.  It was incredible - as I poured into myself through coaching, I was able to ask myself questions I hadn't dared ask myself before.  I was able to declare my true desires and goals and not feel guilty for wanting them.  I felt like a new person, a new woman, a new mom; plus I gained full clarity on my next steps for my own career to become a coach and help others.  What was equally incredible was how this new version of myself translated positively into other areas of my life.  I was able to let go of things I would never have been able to let go of before.  I was able to relax and stay present with my kids, while also strengthening the relationship with my husband.  And I felt unstoppable with working towards my goal of becoming a coach. 

Being a coach for women and moms is a full circle moment for me - marrying my love for helping others with my own real life experience as a stay at home mom.   I'm here to walk alongside women and mothers and help you approach life in a new way that works for YOU.  That prioritizes YOU.  That brings YOU back into the foreground of the picture instead of being in the background.  No matter the goal or aspiration,  big or small, personal or professional, I want to help you first identify what you truly desire and then help make it become a reality.

Accomplishment Coaching, Accredited Coach Training Program
Kellogg School of Management, MBA, HR Management
Princeton University, Bachelor of Arts, Economics